Traveling Newbies, Back in the States!

Traveling Newbies, Back in the States!


It has been way too long since I’ve written you! Apologies. We’ve been busy, but that is never an excuse ;) Since returning to the States in August, we have had many people ask, “Do you miss Croatia?”

The answer is simple: YES! But it is always amazing to come back home. I hope to write an article comparing the US and Croatia in the future, but in the meantime, I want to say hello and update you on us!

Living in DC

While Bret is learning Greek (did I mention we are slated to go to Athens next Fall?!), we are living near FSI (the Foreign Service Institute) in Arlington, Virginia. We still have places we want to check off our list here in DC, and slowly we are working our way through them. Top of the list? A Michelin-star restaurant and the Cherry Blossom Festival.

We have already done a few of our favorite things, like apple picking with friends and walking around the monuments. Slow and steady!

As for me? I am working from home as a freelancer! Still working for my client in NYC, picking up another client, and taking small projects when I can. I am mostly still writing and researching, but I have done some website testing, data entry, and transcribing. That elusive dream job I am building? Still in the process. If you know of anyone needing any of that done, send them my way!

I did create a Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Kids kit and am selling it on Teachers Pay Teachers. Tutoring, while not my calling, was a great way to jump right into working in Zagreb, and I hope this can help anyone wanting to quickly acclimate to a new foreign city.

I am learning more about investing, with books and my Robinhood account. I hope to write a blog post about it soon on Built by Books!


My flexible schedule has been fantastic for taking care of the pups, our moving tasks, and anything else that comes up. More on that last part later!

What’s Next?

Well, 2019 will be all about gearing up for our next adventure! I plan to start teaching myself Greek at home, as well as work on a few things professionally (the Consular Affairs Adjudication Program, for one).

Stay tuned as we go along!

Love to all,


Our Newest Traveling Newbie is Arriving in May!

Our Newest Traveling Newbie is Arriving in May!

Experiencing the World Cup in Croatia as an American

Experiencing the World Cup in Croatia as an American